Safeguarding Policy

1. Introduction
At Georgia’s Dance Academy, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all our students, staff, and visitors. Safeguarding is a top priority for us, and we take all necessary measures to ensure the welfare of everyone involved in our dance programs. This Safeguarding Policy outlines the procedures and principles we follow to ensure the safety, well-being, and protection of all those who engage with our Academy.

2. Scope of the Policy
This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, contractors, and students of Georgia’s Dance Academy, including those who may come into contact with children, young people, or vulnerable adults. We expect all individuals associated with the Academy to comply with this policy and the safeguarding procedures set out below.

3. Our Commitment
We are fully committed to the following principles:

  • The welfare of the student is paramount: All students, regardless of age, background, or ability, have the right to be protected from harm and exploitation.
  • Zero tolerance of abuse: Georgia’s Dance Academy will not tolerate any form of abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, or neglect, and will act swiftly and decisively to protect any individual at risk.
  • Safe recruitment practices: All staff and volunteers undergo enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks, and we ensure appropriate training and support to carry out their roles safely and responsibly.
  • Clear policies and procedures: We will have clear safeguarding procedures in place for reporting concerns, and all staff are trained to identify and respond to signs of abuse.
  • Open communication: We encourage a culture of openness, where students, parents, and staff feel safe to voice concerns and where such concerns are addressed promptly and thoroughly.

4. Safeguarding Responsibilities

  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Georgia’s Dance Academy has a designated safeguarding lead who is responsible for overseeing the safeguarding and welfare of all students. They will ensure that staff are trained and informed about safeguarding issues and that any concerns are addressed according to the procedures in place.
    • DSL Contact Information:
      Georgia Bentley
  • Staff Responsibilities: All staff members have a duty of care towards the students they work with. Staff are expected to follow the safeguarding procedures and to raise any concerns about a student’s well-being to the designated safeguarding lead.
  • Parent and Carer Responsibilities: Parents and carers play an essential role in safeguarding their children. We encourage open communication between the Academy and families, and ask that any concerns about safeguarding are shared with us.

5. Reporting Safeguarding Concerns

If a staff member, parent, or student has any concerns about the safety or well-being of a student, they must report it immediately to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Concerns can be raised via:

  • In-person communication during class or events.
  • Email to

Concerns will be taken seriously, investigated thoroughly, and responded to appropriately. If a child is believed to be at risk of harm or in immediate danger, we will act quickly to contact the appropriate authorities, including local safeguarding teams or the police.

6. Procedures for Handling Disclosures

In the event that a student discloses abuse or a safeguarding concern:

  • Listen carefully to what the student is saying, without interrupting.
  • Reassure the student that they are believed and that their safety is the priority.
  • Do not promise confidentiality – inform them that you must pass on the information to the appropriate person.
  • Record the details of the disclosure, including date, time, and the student’s words as accurately as possible.
  • Report the disclosure to the Designated Safeguarding Lead immediately.

7. Code of Conduct for Staff, Volunteers, and Students

To ensure a safe and respectful environment, we expect all members of the Academy to adhere to the following code of conduct:

  • Staff and Volunteers:
    • Maintain appropriate professional boundaries with students.
    • Never engage in any form of abusive behaviour, whether physical, verbal, or emotional.
    • Do not engage in one-on-one interactions in isolated areas without visibility to others.
    • Promote an environment of mutual respect and encourage positive behaviour.
  • Students:
    • Treat fellow students, staff, and others with respect and kindness.
    • Follow instructions from staff members in a manner that ensures their own safety and the safety of others.
    • Report any concerns or incidents of unsafe or inappropriate behaviour to a staff member.

8. Safe Practice During Dance Classes and Events

  • Supervision: Students will be supervised at all times during classes and events. This includes during arrival, departure, and break times.
  • Changing Rooms: Separate changing facilities will be provided for different genders where possible. If not, we will ensure appropriate staff supervision is in place to maintain privacy and dignity.
  • Physical Contact: Physical contact with students should only occur in the context of dance instruction. It should be appropriate, minimal, and always in the context of safety, technique, and skill development. Inappropriate physical contact is not acceptable under any circumstances.
  • Online Engagement: In the case of online classes or virtual events, we will ensure that all platforms used are safe and secure.

9. Whistleblowing Policy

If any individual suspects that a colleague or anyone else involved in Georgia’s Dance Academy is engaging in inappropriate behaviour or is failing to follow safeguarding procedures, they should report it through the whistleblowing procedure. Whistleblowers will be protected from any retaliation for raising concerns in good faith.

10. Training and Awareness

All staff members, including volunteers and contractors, will receive regular training in safeguarding procedures and child protection. This training will be updated at least annually. Staff will also be made aware of the signs of abuse and neglect and how to respond appropriately.

11. Monitoring and Review

This Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains up to date and in line with current best practices and legislation. We will also review the implementation of this policy to identify areas for improvement and to ensure the safety of our students.

12. Contact Details for Safeguarding Concerns

If you have any safeguarding concerns, or if you would like further information about our safeguarding practices, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead at:

  • Name of DSL: Georgia Bentley
  • Email:

In an emergency, or if you believe a child is at immediate risk, please contact your local safeguarding team or the police immediately:

  • Local Safeguarding Team Contact:
  • Emergency Number: 999

13. Acknowledgment

By enrolling in classes or attending events at Georgia’s Dance Academy, students, parents, and guardians acknowledge that they have read and understood this Safeguarding Policy and agree to uphold its principles and practices.

This policy is designed to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone involved in Georgia’s Dance Academy. We take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously and will continue to monitor and improve our practices to ensure the highest standards of care and protection.

This policy was last reviewed on 20/01/2025.