Health and Safety Policy

1. Introduction

At Georgia’s Dance Academy, we are committed to providing a safe, healthy, and supportive environment for all our students, staff, and visitors. Our Health and Safety Policy is designed to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent accidents, injuries, and ill-health, as well as to promote overall well-being. This policy outlines how we will manage health and safety within the Academy and ensure that it meets all legal requirements and industry standards.

2. Objectives

Georgia’s Dance Academy aims to:

  • Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, students, and visitors.
  • Minimise the risk of accidents, injuries, and illnesses in the dance studio and during any off-site activities.
  • Comply with all relevant health and safety legislation and guidelines.
  • Promote a culture of safety, encouraging active participation from students, staff, and parents to maintain a safe environment.
  • Provide appropriate training and resources for staff to ensure they can manage and respond to health and safety risks effectively.

3. Responsibilities

Management Responsibility
The overall responsibility for health and safety at Georgia’s Dance Academy lies with the Owner/Director, Georgia, The Owner/Director is responsible for ensuring that the Academy complies with health and safety legislation, carrying out risk assessments, and reviewing this policy regularly. They will also ensure that all staff are informed of their responsibilities regarding health and safety.

Designated Health and Safety Lead (H&S Lead)
A designated Health and Safety Lead (H&S Lead) will be appointed to oversee the implementation and maintenance of this policy. The H&S Lead will ensure that all health and safety issues are addressed, including regular safety audits, managing incident reports, and overseeing staff training.

  • H&S Lead Contact Information:
    Georgia Bentley

Staff Responsibilities
All employees, including teachers, assistants, and volunteers, have a responsibility to:

  • Follow health and safety procedures set by the Academy.
  • Participate in health and safety training and awareness sessions.
  • Identify and report any hazards, risks, or unsafe practices.
  • Ensure that students are supervised at all times.
  • Respond appropriately to emergencies and accidents.

Student and Parent Responsibilities
Students and parents are expected to:

  • Follow all health and safety rules while at the Academy.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and footwear for dance classes.
  • Notify the Academy of any medical conditions or injuries that may affect participation.
  • Report any hazards or concerns to staff immediately.

4. Risk Assessments

Georgia’s Dance Academy will conduct regular risk assessments of all activities, including on-site and off-site events. These assessments will identify potential hazards and evaluate the likelihood of harm. Where necessary, we will implement measures to mitigate these risks, such as:

  • Ensuring that the dance studio and other facilities are free from hazards (e.g., wet floors, trip hazards).
  • Reviewing any new equipment or facilities before use to ensure they meet safety standards.
  • Performing specific risk assessments for events or performances.

Risk assessments will be reviewed and updated annually, or sooner if changes in activities, equipment, or legislation require it.

5. First Aid and Medical Emergency Procedures

Georgia’s Dance Academy will ensure that the appropriate first aid provisions are in place to deal with injuries and medical emergencies:

  • First Aid Kits: First aid kits will be readily available in all areas where classes or activities are taking place. Kits will be regularly checked and replenished as needed.
  • Trained First Aiders: At least one member of staff will be trained in emergency first aid and will be present during all classes and events. First aid training will be refreshed every three years.
  • Medical Information: Students or their parents/guardians must inform the Academy of any medical conditions, allergies, or injuries before participating in activities. This information will be kept confidential and used only to ensure the health and safety of the student.
  • Accident and Incident Reporting: Any accidents or incidents must be reported immediately to the H&S Lead. An Accident Report Form will be completed and kept on record. Serious accidents or injuries will be reported to the relevant authorities, including local emergency services if necessary.

6. Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency, Georgia’s Dance Academy will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of students, staff, and visitors. Procedures include:

  • Fire Safety:
    • Fire evacuation plans are clearly posted in all rooms, and regular fire drills will be conducted to ensure that everyone is familiar with the procedure.
    • Staff will receive fire safety training as part of their induction process.
    • Fire exits and escape routes will be kept clear at all times.
  • Evacuation Plan:
    • In case of an emergency evacuation, students will be escorted to a designated safe area (e.g., a nearby assembly point).
    • Teachers and staff will conduct a roll call to ensure that all students are accounted for.
  • Emergency Contacts:
    • Staff will have access to emergency contact information for each student.
    • In case of medical emergencies, the nearest hospital and ambulance services will be contacted, and students’ parents/guardians will be informed as soon as possible.

7. Health and Safety in the Dance Studio

To ensure the health and safety of all participants in our dance classes:

  • Studio Environment:
    • The dance studio will be regularly inspected to ensure that it is clean, tidy, and free from any hazards.
    • Floors will be maintained in a condition suitable for dance, including non-slip surfaces and proper ventilation.
    • Adequate lighting and heating will be provided in all areas where classes are held.
  • Appropriate Footwear and Clothing:
    • Students will be required to wear appropriate dance footwear (e.g., ballet slippers, jazz shoes) and comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement or pose a safety risk.
    • For safety reasons, jewellery should be kept to a minimum during classes and performances.
  • Warm-Up and Cool-Down:
    • All classes will begin with a proper warm-up and end with a cool-down session to prevent injuries.
    • Teachers will ensure that students are aware of the importance of warming up before physical activity to reduce the risk of muscle strains and sprains.

8. Safeguarding Students During Breaks and Transition Times

Students will be supervised at all times, including during breaks, arrival, and departure times. The following procedures will be in place to ensure safety:

  • Arrival and Departure:
    • Staff will supervise students at drop-off and pick-up times to ensure safe arrival and departure.
    • Parents/guardians will be asked to notify the Academy if someone other than an authorised adult is picking up their child.
  • Break Times:
    • During break times, students will be supervised and kept in designated areas to prevent any accidents or injuries.
    • Staff will monitor the use of equipment during breaks to ensure safe play.

9. Health and Hygiene

Georgia’s Dance Academy is committed to maintaining a high standard of hygiene throughout the premises:

  • Hand Hygiene: Students and staff will be encouraged to wash hands regularly, especially before eating and after using the restroom.
  • Illness Policy: Students who are feeling unwell should not attend class. Parents will be asked to keep children at home if they show symptoms of contagious illnesses (e.g., cold, flu, stomach bugs).
  • Infectious Diseases: In cases of infectious diseases (e.g., COVID-19, chickenpox), we will follow the latest public health guidelines and take appropriate measures to protect the health of all students, staff, and visitors.

10. Training and Awareness

All staff, including volunteers, will receive health and safety training during their induction and at regular intervals thereafter. This training will include:

  • Awareness of health and safety risks in the dance environment.
  • First aid training and emergency procedures.
  • Reporting and responding to accidents, incidents, or near misses.
  • Health and safety policies, including infection control and safe dance practices.

11. Review of Health and Safety Policy

This policy will be reviewed annually or sooner if changes in regulations or practices necessitate an update. All staff will be informed of any changes and will receive training as required.

Contact Information

For any queries regarding health and safety or to report any concerns, please contact the Health and Safety Lead:

  • Name: Georgia Bentley
  • Email:

By attending classes at Georgia’s Dance Academy, all students, staff, and visitors acknowledge their commitment to following the health and safety guidelines outlined in this policy.

This policy was last reviewed on 20/01/2025.