You guys blow me away week in week out now! Just 8 gorgeous dancers all entering the U12 beginners section (the biggest of the day!) With results as:
17 call backs in solo with our beautiful Shilah reaching the final placing 6th and losing a life!!!! Out of 54ish dancers!CONGRATULATIONS!
Then on to slow where EVERY SINGLE DANCER received a call back in the U12 slow!!!!!! A total of 24 call backs resulting in our amazing Phoebe placing 3rd out of 60 dancers and losing her second slow life and to our super shining star Martha winning and losing your first slow life OUT OF 60 DANCERS!!!!!!!!!!
Then to our smashing pairs receiving 6 call backs with our star duo Shilah and Isla placing 3rd out of 22 couples and losing a pairs life!!!!!